Terms and conditions

All bookings made with Guenon Safaris are subject to these terms.

1. Price of trip includes:

 Private Ground transport (car and fuel in 4*4 safari vehicle with POP up Roof), Safari guide, gorilla / chimpanzee permits mentioned in the itinerary, entry cost to all parks mentioned in the itinerary, all activities mentioned (boat, rafting and so on), all meals and accommodation.
This is if nothing else has been agreed.

2. Price does not include: 

International flights (unless special agreement), visa
fees, drinks, items of personal use, tips and activities mentioned as optional.

3. Adjustments after booking:

 If you want to make changes in your itinerary after
booking we will arrange for this if it is possible. Note that the dates for gorilla
and chimpanzee trekking cannot be adjusted after booking.

4. Changes in itinerary: 

In the case of unforeseen circumstances (such as road
closures, bad weather, security conditions or problems with hotels) Guenon
Safaris reserves the right to make adjustments in the itinerary. You will
ofcourse be informed about this as soon as possible.

5. Payment:

 We will ask you for a down payment in connection with making the
booking, of around 1/3 of the total price (this payment always includes the
gorilla permits since these have to be secured right away). At the latest one
month prior to the start of the safari a second payment should be made,
covering around 1/3 of total price. At the latest by the starting day of the safari
the last payment should be made. Bookings made within one month of
departure means that you pay 2/3 in connection to booking. After receipt of
first down payment Guenon Safaris will take necessary steps to secure
bookings of items specified in the itinerary.

6. Means of payment: 

Payment from abroad can be done through bank transfer to
our dollar account in Uganda. We accept payment in cash when in Uganda.

7. During safari: 

The animals in the parks are wild so no guarantees can be given of good sightings during game drives or trekking, but rangers and our guides.
will do their very best to make sure you get a great experience. Guenon
Safaris reserve the right to refuse any client behaving in a way that can cause
danger/inconvenience to any third party, damage to property, environments or
ecosystems to continue the trip. In such a case no refunds will be made
and Guenon Safaris  will not be liable for expenses occurring due to

8. Vehicles:

 We put a lot of energy into keeping our cars in a roadworthy
condition. Despite the punctures, breakdowns, damage or any other delay can
occur due to poor road conditions that are out of our control, for this no liability
can be accepted.

9. Cancellations:

60> days to start of safari 10% charge
59-32 days to start of safari 25% charge
31-8 days to start of safari 50% charge

7-3 days to start of safari 75% charge
2-0 days to start of safari 100% charge
Gorilla permits and flight tickets are excluded from percentages above and are 100%

1. Complaints: 

Any issues that occur during the safari should be reported

to the guide and we’ll do our best to resolve it. If an issue has not
been solved to the client’s satisfaction a written complaint should be e-mailed
to us no later than 30 days after finishing the safari.

2. Liability: 

Guenon Safaris does not accept liability or pay compensation for unforeseen circumstances that are out of our control. This includes flight  delays/cancellations, war/threat of war, riots, civil unrest, terrorist attacks,
border closure, acts of the government, strikes, thefts, epidemics, road closure,
natural disasters, extreme weather conditions, fire, technical/mechanical
problems to transport due to bad roads and similar events beyond the
company’s control.

3. Insurance:

 It is the client’s responsibility to make sure that they have sufficient coverage with a travel insurance.
4. Health:

 It is the responsibility of the client to insure that proper medical
precautions (immunizations and so on) have been taken.